The name “Kiwanis” stems from an expression of the American Indian tribe that lived in the Detroit area, the area where Kiwanis was founded. It roughly translates to “we trade” or “we share our talents.”
Is Kiwanis a religious group?
Kiwanis is not a religious organization – our members come from all faiths, yet we come together united in a desire to serve children. While “spirituality” is a term of Kiwanis, there is no one religion endorsed by Kiwanis.
Is Kiwanis political?
Kiwanis is not a political organization – our members have different views, but we do not endorse any candidate or political issue.
Is Kiwanis LGBTQ+ friendly?
Yes. Kiwanis Clubs are committed to the belief in diversity and celebrating the range of color, creed, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity of everyone.
Must I have a child in Key Club or the Builders Club to volunteer?
No, your desire to help kids and your community is all you need.
Do you have meetings, and must I attend them?
Yes, we encourage attendance at our bimonthly meetings.
Are there any other expectations once I join?
Yes, we expect every new member to jump in and get involved in one or more of our projects, fundraisers, and bimonthly club meetings. Bring your unique skills and enthusiasm, that’s it.
What does the Kiwanis organization support?
When Kiwanis club members serve children, they support important causes such as health and nutrition, education and literacy, and youth leadership development. These causes have a lasting impact on kids, from infancy to early adulthood.
Are there dress requirements?
Casual attire is fine.
Why should I join Kiwanis?
The benefits of club membership – leadership roles, attending workshops and annual conventions, and Kiwanis International newsletters and magazines. Most importantly, you will be part of a community, have lifelong friends and networking opportunities.
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What is the origin of the word Kiwanis?
The name “Kiwanis” stems from an expression of the American Indian tribe that lived in the Detroit area, the area where Kiwanis was founded. It roughly translates to “we trade” or “we share our talents.”
Is Kiwanis a religious group?
Kiwanis is not a religious organization – our members come from all faiths, yet we come together united in a desire to serve children. While “spirituality” is a term of Kiwanis, there is no one religion endorsed by Kiwanis.
Is Kiwanis political?
Kiwanis is not a political organization – our members have different views, but we do not endorse any candidate or political issue.
Is Kiwanis LGBTQ+ friendly?
Yes. Kiwanis Clubs are committed to the belief in diversity and celebrating the range of color, creed, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity of everyone.
Must I have a child in Key Club or the Builders Club to volunteer?
No, your desire to help kids and your community is all you need.
Do you have meetings, and must I attend them?
Yes, we encourage attendance at our bimonthly meetings.
Are there any other expectations once I join?
Yes, we expect every new member to jump in and get involved in one or more of our projects, fundraisers, and bimonthly club meetings. Bring your unique skills and enthusiasm, that’s it.
What does the Kiwanis organization support?
When Kiwanis club members serve children, they support important causes such as health and nutrition, education and literacy, and youth leadership development. These causes have a lasting impact on kids, from infancy to early adulthood.
Are there dress requirements?
Casual attire is fine.
Why should I join Kiwanis?
The benefits of club membership – leadership roles, attending workshops and annual conventions, and Kiwanis International newsletters and magazines. Most importantly, you will be part of a community, have lifelong friends and networking opportunities.
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